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What a great website! I just discovered it and wish I'd known a long time ago. Great pictures and coverage of area events. Thanks for all the hard work.
Just checking in and you have done a great job with the web site. I like the changes. Working my way back to the dance floor [Fall of 2003] and appreciate keeping up with the Clogging World when not actually participating. Very informative. Great job Debbie.
Hi everyone, my email is wakfam@okanagan.netWhen you are in Kelowna, we meet at The Westside Senior Centre on Mondays 7-9 and Fridays 10-12...Join us, Karen
DEBBY; Great page. Keep up the great work.
Hello Debbie, I think this is a wonderful idea for a web site, it covers all there is to know about clogging, I was clogging with Jackie Eagles, ,then moved to Vernon, with May Taylor, and Leila, had a year or more off from clogging, with a hip problem ...got rid of that, and when I moved to Kelowna joined Lynn, ..then Karen, so,, I am getting back into it again, I am 76 and a half yrs old and really enjoy the exercise, for brain and body. All the best with your Clogging page. from Edna in Kelowna...
Just moved to BC and I contacted a name in the Clog Today magazine about a BC workshop and she directed me to your website. It's great and nice to know all the BC cloggers are connected. Lots of great information. I look forward to attending the workshops in BC.
Great job on this web site Debby. It's a lot of work to keep up something like this, but you give a lot of pleasure to those who use it. Keep up the good work and we will keep tuning in to see what you have up your sleeve next.
Len & I have just looked at all the wedding pictures of Barb & Al and I think Len was most impressed with the wedding cake and the bikes [typical male comments]. They were fabulous. Debby the Web Page is just super.
Clogging is soooooo much fun. Once you have tried it you can't get enough. Thanks to Bill and Irene for bringing it to the valley...
Thx Debby for telling me about this web site. IT'S GREAT..
John Thomson CCN
I really like you website.
I loved all the info that was available to non-club members. Nice banner Deb.
Loved your pictures! Thanks for taking the time to get them out to us. Sally
Well done, Debby! You've done a great job with your web site - congratulations! It's just terrific that my family and friends in Ontario and in Britain can see what a fun time we have when we are clogging - they've all heard so much about clogging from me. Keep up the good work!
Nice job Debby :-)
Great Pics Deb. You did a wonderful job on the web site. Thanks.
What a super job you have done Debby. The pictures are super and I keep going back to look at them. I also passed your web page on to people who were not at Courtenay and to my family in Australia, Ontario, Manitoba, & San Diego letting them know what a great time we have clogging.
Great webb page Deb you have captured so many happy clogging moments it's really fun to see everybody smiling and have such a good time.